502 Australia Furies Run Club w/ Jesse Hoole

Location: Sydney, Australia
[33°52′04″S 151°12′36″E]
Interview: Harry Roberts
Photography: Arjun Sohal
Imagery supplied by Jesse noted underneath

I met Jesse through a mutual friend around two years ago, whilst he was visiting Melbourne. I remember being struck by how approachable and genuine he was, a red thread that clearly comes through in the community he’s fostered today. We chopped it up about running and fashion over shit italian food and Peroni Leggera. At the time Furies was in its infancy, and it was clear just how passionate he was about running and building something special with its own identity. So when big dog EIC @sethfootring tasked me with finding a story we could connect with, I knew I had to link with Jesse. We had planned to join him and Furies out on the pavement, but Jetstar and unusually shit Sydney weather got in our way, so we settled for a local pub instead.

Imagery by Ben Murphy

(HR) So who are you, what do you do for a living and what the hell is Furies Run Club?

(JH) I'm still navigating the journey of self-discovery but for the meantime, I'm Jesse Hoole. By day, I serve as the marketing manager for the Australian retailer Supply Store while by passion, I'm a designer and a runner responsible for the birth of the running collective known as Furies.

Furies is a dynamic community of individuals connected through the medium of running, redefining the essence of what a run club can represent.

From hardcore music, to a running fanatic, that doesn’t seem like a very common pivot. Was there a catalyst that started the journey?

From early on, I noticed endless similarities between hardcore music and running. Both   cultivate a sense of community, exploration, and self-expression deeply rooted in shared beliefs. It's surprising how many individuals I've encountered in the hardcore scene who have transitioned into avid runners. Clearly, there's a profound connection between the two.

Imagery by Ben Murphy

As well as hardcore, it’s clear Furies’ identity is very much steeped in fashion, is this something that was important for you to represent?

I've always been into fashion and hardcore, so it was natural for me to explore this avenue. I didn't feel a strong connection to any of the existing clubs in the area, so

I decided to offer something different in the local running scene that brought in outside influences, catering to those who share my sentiments. I felt the representation of running in Sydney needed something with a bit more of an edge. Something that could be connected to on a local and global scale.

Some people screw their nose up at the idea of running, how do you keep yourself motivated?

For me, running goes beyond the common perception of mere fitness or exercise, it's a beloved hobby and pastime that I genuinely cherish and enjoy. I'm consistently engaged with it and amazed by the depth of sensation and fulfillment I derive from such a straightforward activity. Once you learn to approach running in this manner, motivation becomes effortless.

Tell us about Wild in the Streets.

'Wild in the Streets' is the unofficial motto of Furies, encapsulating everything that Furies stands for in its simplest form. It's inspired by an 80's hardcore/punk song by the Circle Jerks. We've hosted a radio show on a local station and released a photo book to commemorate our first anniversary, all under the Wild in the Streets title. This motto can relate to anything under the Furies umbrella, symbolizing our ethos and passion.

Judging by your online presence, the community has grown, morphing itself into something bigger than just a run club. Where do you see this going and are there any projects coming up?

Running serves as the medium that unites us, but the true essence of Furies lies in building community and providing a platform for action. We constantly engage in various projects that challenge the conventional expectations of a 'run club' and aim to push boundaries. We have numerous projects in the pipeline for this year to enhance community engagement and strengthen Sydney's connection with the global running community. DIY OR DIE!

Imagery by Ben Murphy

We’ve noticed a tasty amount of Furies merchandise lately, tell us about that.

Merchandise is fun. It plays a crucial role in defining the club's identity and helps connect individuals who may not be able to attend our runs. We're only just getting started in terms of designs.

I’m sure you’ve gone through plenty of running shoes. Does the runner make the shoe, or vice versa? And is there a model you’d recommend our readers hop on?

(JH) I'm lucky to say I've been largely injury-free, so I typically prioritize the aesthetics of a shoe over its comfort or technological features. This is absolutely terrible advice for beginner runners. It's crucial to start with something with support and features designed for injury prevention. Once you've been running for a few years and know your body, it's acceptable to be ignorant and steezy. Technique and form makes the runner.

Lastly, how do 502 readers get involved and are there any friends of Furies you can recommend?

If you're in Sydney you can find us at Supply Store every Wednesday night at 6PM - all you have to do is show up.

